Saturday, August 15, 2009

Puppies from Coast to Coast

Day 49 -

The puppies turned 7 weeks today, are mostly weaned, and got all of their shots. Our next big task is to sort out their new homes that they will be going to next month. As much as we hate to give them up, they are getting to be a handful and our neighbors have been very patient about the noise!

The good news is that they are very in demand because of their good breeding and fancy-schmancy pedigrees. Their breeder is a star of the dog-show world, an international dog show judge, and has published extensively on breeding. She holds the all time AKC record for the most Best-In-Show wins as well as the Westminster record for most Group wins with her Elk Hounds that she has been rasing for more than 40 years.

We will be working with her to evaluate the puppies over the next couple weeks and figure out their placements, but it looks like they will be off to homes in Tahoe, Seattle, Virgina, and New Mexico... and of course one will stay right here in Alameda!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Six Weeks Old! And we're getting pretty attached!

Day 46 - Here are some pictures we took when the puppies turned six week old. They are getting cuter and more fun every day, and we are getting pretty attached to each of them! It is definitely going to be hard to watch them leave to their new homes, and we have not decided which puppy we are keeping yet. They are all sweet and adorable.

They are eating mostly sold food now, and spending most of the day playing and sleeping outside in our dog yard. They are all fat and happy, so I guess we are doing a good job taking care of them!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Cute Mug Shots!

Day 35 -

Here are the latest pictures - they are getting cuter by the day, and enjoying trying solid food!

Growth Spurts!

Day 35 -

The puppies turned 5 weeks old today and had their first outing to the vet for meds! They weren't too excited about the car ride, but all went well.

We have been weighing them each week to watch their growth as shown on the graph below. They are changing fast so we will post more photos soon.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Let The Games Begin

Day 24 -
The puppies are growing and growing, they have teeth, and play a lot! They eat, play, sleep, and repeat! Jessie isn't as excited about feeding them anymore because their teeth are growing in, so they are starting to eat "solid" food now too. The puppies all weigh about 3 lbs now. Lucy (yellow) is the biggest at 3.7lbs, and Paul (purple) is the smallest at 2.6lbs.

Here are some pictures we took recently of them :

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Eyes Wide Open

Day 12 -

The puppies just keep getting bigger and bigger. All of them have their eyes open now, and are walking and moving very quickly.

The biggest thing we've noticed though, is how fat they're getting! They look like piglets.

Here are some pictures :

They are two weeks today, so we weighed them. Their weight is about two and a half pounds, and Judy (yellow) is the biggest at 2.7lbs, and is a very efficient eater!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

And they're off!

Day 5 - The puppies have been good eaters these first few days are are growing chubby fast. They are still in the "crawling" stage, but are getting very mobile and playful with each other. Ringo (green), our big guy, is the speediest and usually gets to Mom first whenever she comes back in their box. We predict that he will be the first one to crawl out!

Jessie is being a great Mom and is very pateint with the constant puppy feeding schedule. Of course she gets to eat a lot too, and is enjoying her 4 meals a day.

We are looking forward to the long holiday weekend with the puppies, and will post more pictures soon!